Objective: To help music lovers and listeners find great music by lesser known artists, create a music magazine showcasing smaller musicians and bands.
Solution: A monthly magazine showcasing four to six small artists. SAMM, aka Small Artist Music Magazine, brings artists with under one million followers (on all social media combined) further into the music industry through exposure. Published by genre: Indie, Pop, Rock, Rap, and R&B. To encourage purchasing the physical magazine, each publication includes a mix CD with songs by the artists within the magazine.

Indie Vol 1 Is 1 cover.

The four other issues. As with the Indie Issue, the color on the front will be incorporated throughout—within shapes and illustrations.
Each genre is designated a different color to be used throughout the design and illustrations. This consistency will help readers easily identify the issues that align with their listening habits.

Mitski's article opener. Theme is the same with each artist: shape from the table of contents used repeatedly throughout their article starting with the intro spread.

The Lone Bellow article beginning. These pages vary with artist and article length.

Illustration page from Declan McKenna's article.

The Districts' article beginning.

Interior article spread for Day Wave.
Each band or artist is given a shape in reference to a song or attribute of them and an illustration based on their top Spotify song. The stickers would be available as merchandise for each issue. A website, Instagram, and Spotify were mocked-up to show more definition of the brand and company voice.

Home page

About page

Instagram mock up

Spotify mock up

Declan Mckenna sticker. Image provided by Redbubble

The Districts sticker. Image provided by Redbubble

The Lone Bellow sticker. Image provided by Redbubble